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Terms and Conditions

We are immensely grateful that you have chosen "FORECASTING STOCKS PORTALS AND CONTENT PROVIDERS LTD", a limited liability company registered under the CNPJ/ME number 49.971.642/0001-27, headquartered at ST SCN QD. 4 BL. B, ROOM 702 PART 1730, ASA NORTE BRASILIA, Federal District - Brazil.

The FORECASTING STOCKS PORTALS AND CONTENT PROVIDERS LTD is an online portal for providing financial information and content using Machine Learning (Artificial Intelligence). Therefore, it is a portal solely for providing information - sourced from public and private APIs about the financial market, and conducting analyses of this information using Machine Learning to identify patterns in the data. All understandings and forecasts available on the platform are generated by Artificial Intelligence (Machine Learning) and should not be understood or comparable to financial analyst recommendations. Thus, it should not be interpreted as financial advice, as it is solely focused on the analysis of financial market data using machine learning technology and the user agrees that Forecasting Stocks cannot be held liable in any way for any non-assertive recommendations arising from the understandings and forecasts generated by the platform.

Our activity is focused on the production, editing, and publication of paid informative content, developed by machine learning engineers and data engineers, covering data and information in the areas of economics, finance, and investments. The use of this portal should not be by legal entities for institutional use without a prior usage contract.

For hiring by Legal Entities, consultation should be made directly to for the preparation of a service provision contract.


We have prepared this document so that you ("User") are aware of the rules related to the use of our Site and Content, in a simple, clear, and objective manner, as provided herein and under applicable law.

Before proceeding with the use of our Site and Content, you must express your agreement with our terms of use, as follows:

  1. You declare that you are over 18 (eighteen) years old, legally capable, or duly authorized/assisted by your legal guardian for the use of our Site and/or Content;

  2. You freely, expressly, and unequivocally agree to these Terms when signing up for or purchasing any of our Content, subscribing to our newsletters and/or browsing our Site;

  3. You declare that you have accessed these Terms, read them, and agree with their conditions. You may not and should not use the Site and/or access our Content if you disagree with any clause in this document. In this case, you must cancel the registration process and refrain from using our Sites and/or accessing our Content;

  4. You are aware that the publications provided by "FORECASTING STOCKS" do not represent offers for trading securities and/or other financial instruments, nor investment recommendations. Transactions should be evaluated by the investor before making any decisions, according to their own risk profile. These publications are also provided without any warranty of return, express or implied;

  5. You are aware and agree that the publications from "FORECASTING STOCKS" are solely intended to provide financial market information using machine learning in various sectors of the securities market. When accessing them, you should freely assess the content transmitted, applying your knowledge at your own risk if you wish;

  6. You are aware and agree that "FORECASTING STOCKS" is not responsible for any transactions or operations made between you and third parties in the financial market, nor for any financial decisions made by you based on or from the content available on our Site and/or Content;

  7. You are aware and agree that "FORECASTING STOCKS" provides all informational services exclusively remotely and only via the web platform, through access to the site

  1. Registration Rules

1.1. "FORECASTING STOCKS" is a site aimed at disseminating informative content about investments and the financial market in general. The information published by "FORECASTING STOCKS" is based on publicly available data, i.e., available to anyone with Internet access.

1.2. To use our Site and access our Content, you must register with a login and password.

1.3. The paid Content is offered to the User in a subscription plan format, with a term specified at the time of purchase, through online access. The Site allows the availability of periodic content strictly in the paying member area through its own site;

1.4. At the time of registration, you must provide some personal information and data, such as (i) full name, (ii) email address, (iii) CPF number, among others.

1.5. You agree to keep your registration information complete and updated; otherwise, you may be prevented from accessing and using our Site and/or our products. You will also be considered responsible for the security and confidentiality of your login and password used for access to the Site and/or mobile application. You agree that you cannot authorize third parties to access or use your account on the Site and/or "FORECASTING STOCKS" app.

1.6. Whenever there are changes to your registration information, you must edit your data directly in the section designated for registration within the "FORECASTING STOCKS" Site.

1.7. For the User's greater security, it is not recommended to use easily guessed passwords, such as: name, sequential numbers, license plate, phone number, birthday, etc. Also, for security reasons, only computers with security features should be used, and the access password should be changed periodically to hinder any unauthorized use. In this sense, "FORECASTING STOCKS" is not responsible for incidents arising from access through electronic devices that do not have the recommended security settings.

1.8. In case of loss or theft of your access password, you must immediately request a password change on the Site and/or application. If such a request is not possible for any reason, you must immediately notify "FORECASTING STOCKS", otherwise you will remain responsible for all actions made through your registration.

1.9. The User is aware that "FORECASTING STOCKS" recommends the use of secure and up-to-date tools and technology (hardware and/or software) for access to the Site and/or Content. Therefore, any use by the User of outdated or insecure tools and technology is at their own risk, and "FORECASTING STOCKS" is exempt from any responsibility for damages of any nature suffered by the User.

1.10. You understand that "FORECASTING STOCKS" may, at its sole discretion and without any obligation to do so, carry out searches it deems necessary to ascertain any incorrect, false or outdated data, as well as request additional data and/or documents it deems relevant, for the sole purpose of verifying the initial information provided by you and carrying out a more complete and accurate registration check.

1.11. If "FORECASTING STOCKS" decides to check your registration data and finds incorrect, false and/or outdated data, or if you refuse or fail to provide the requested data, "FORECASTING STOCKS" may, at its sole discretion, decline and/or suspend the provision of content available on its website, without prejudice to the investigation and recovery for any damages caused and/or other measures it deems necessary.

1.12. You declare that you are aware that only one account per CPF (Brazilian National Taxpayer Registry) is allowed.

1.13. Once your registration is approved and payment for the platform is made, you will be able to access the functionalities provided by "FORECASTING STOCKS".

1.14. Upon purchasing the "FORECASTING STOCKS" plan, the respective contract and financial information will be available in your subscriber area, under the "My Plan" tab.

1.15. "FORECASTING STOCKS" may refuse to create or may cancel the access account of any user who fraudulently uses the site and/or its contents, violates or tries to violate these terms of use, or even the Privacy Policy of "FORECASTING STOCKS".

1.16. "FORECASTING STOCKS" may evaluate the frequency and quantity of the user's access to (i) the subscriber area, (ii) number of downloads, (iii) impressions of their publications and (iv) views of the courses, in order to identify fraudulent behaviors, unauthorized reproduction, or possible sharing of personal access, applying any sanctions it deems appropriate, according to these terms and current legislation.

2. User Conduct

2.1. By using the Site and/or Content of "FORECASTING STOCKS," you agree to:

(i) Not create or use more than one form of identification to access, as well as to receive both free and paid content;

(ii) Not use identification of a third party or allow third parties to use your identification for access;

(iii) Not use any elements of the Site and/or our Content for commercial, advertising purposes or any other purpose that does not represent the main objective of the Site and/or our Content;

(iv) Not disguise or hide the IP (Internet Protocol) number that identifies your internet connection;

(v) Not interfere with the Site's architecture by any means or technical form;

(vi) Not disseminate viruses or malicious computer code, files, or programs designed to collect unauthorized data, as well as not disrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of the Site;

(vii) Not insert into the Site any unlawful content or content that violates third-party rights;

(viii) Not circumvent any technology used by "FORECASTING STOCKS" or any third party authorized by it to protect the content of "FORECASTING STOCKS";

(ix) Not remove or alter any copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property notices contained in or distributed through the publications of "FORECASTING STOCKS";

(x) Not modify, copy, compile, reverse engineer, distribute, transmit, reproduce, publish, license (fully or partially), or create derivative works from the information, content, and databases contained or provided through the Site and/or Content;

(xi) Not send or transmit through the Site any material, content, and/or comment that is illegal, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, profane, hateful, racially or ethnically objectionable, of any kind, including, without limitation, any material that encourages conduct that would constitute a crime, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any applicable international, national, state, or local law;

(xii) Not produce, make available, disclose or transmit any content that is contrary to any Brazilian law, as well as to the generally accepted morals and good customs, or that encourages any form of discrimination or violence;

(xiii) Not produce, make available, disclose or transmit any content that is protected by any intellectual or industrial property rights belonging to third parties, unless you have previously obtained the necessary authorization from the titleholders for the intended use;

(xiv) Not produce, make available, disclose or transmit any content for the purpose of advertising own or third-party products and/or services, or for political propaganda;

(xv) Not reproduce and/or distribute, in whole or in part, to any third party, without prior and express authorization from "FORECASTING STOCKS," any of the content available on the Site and/or Content of FORECASTING STOCKS.

2.2 Occasionally, "FORECASTING STOCKS" may hold live sessions related to its publications and content, either free or paid, with chat areas and/or other messaging and communication features through which users may enable and communicate with the general public or a group of viewers ("Means of Communication").

2.3. You agree to use the Means of Communication solely for posting, sending, and receiving legitimate messages and materials related to the specific Means of Communication. For example, but not limited to, when using any Means of Communication, you agree to:

(i) Not defame, harass, stalk, threaten, or otherwise violate the rights of "FORECASTING STOCKS" and/or third parties;

(ii) Not publish, post, upload, distribute, or disseminate content that is inappropriate, defamatory, obscene, unethical, and/or illegal;

(iii) Not publish, post, upload, distribute, or disseminate content that incites discrimination, hatred, or violence against a person or a group due to their race, religion, philosophical or ideological orientation, sexual orientation, ethnicity, and/or culture;

(iv) Not publish, make available, and/or distribute content protected by intellectual property laws, except when you are the legitimate owner as provided by applicable law;

(v) Not upload, publish, make available, and/or distribute dangerous files containing viruses, are corrupted, or any other files that may damage the functionality of the Site;

(vi) Not advertise or offer any goods and/or services for sale and/or for any commercial activities, even indirectly;

(vii) Not conduct, forward, or make available any types of surveys, competitions, and tests on the Site;

(viii) Not conduct, forward, or make available any activities that may be fraudulent, abusive, and/or illegal, including pyramid schemes and similar activities;

(ix) Not collect or otherwise store personal data and/or information about other people, like phone numbers, email addresses, with or without their consent; and

(x) Not produce, make available, disclose or transmit any content that is contrary to any Brazilian law, as well as to generally accepted morals and good customs, or that encourages any form of discrimination or violence.

2.4. You acknowledge that, under any circumstances, you will be solely responsible for your use of the Site, as well as any content that you have inserted/informed, exempting "FORECASTING STOCKS" from any responsibility for damages resulting from misuse of the Means of Communication available on the Site.

2.5. Violating any of the provisions in these Terms may result in the immediate termination of your access to the Site and/or Content, regardless of any warning or notification, without prejudice to you being held liable for any resulting damages, as well as criminal sanctions according to your behavior under current Brazilian law.

3. Intellectual Property of "FORECASTING STOCKS"

3.1. All pages contained within the Site and any material made available, unless otherwise stated, are the property of "FORECASTING STOCKS" or any of its licensors. All rights are reserved. The Site and any material available on it are protected by Brazilian and international intellectual property laws, including copyright and trademark laws. The content of the Site, including, without limitation, files, documents, text, photographs, logos, images, audio, video, and any materials accessed, or made available for use or download, may not be copied, distributed, modified, reproduced, published, or used, in whole or in part, except for authorized purposes or approved by "FORECASTING STOCKS," previously and in writing.

3.2. In the event of a violation of intellectual property, "FORECASTING STOCKS" reserves the right to take appropriate measures against the responsible party for its repair. Notifications of intellectual property violations or the misuse of images, content, or data (phone, email, names, addresses, etc.) can be made via email at

4. Sale of Content on the Site

4.1. The "FORECASTING STOCKS" platform ( is the online platform through which FORECASTING STOCKS sells its content and publications. The content is made available within the login area for paying users of the FORECASTING STOCKS website, at the following link

4.2. Upon paying the monthly fee for "FORECASTING STOCKS" on its virtual platform and, after payment confirmation, the subscriber will have immediate access to the content related to their subscription provided by the platform.

4.3. The prices of the monthly fees sold by "FORECASTING STOCKS" are indicated in the online store, on the very access link for promoting the product, whose payment will be according to the modality chosen by the User at the time of purchase.

4.4. "FORECASTING STOCKS" reserves the right to vary the prices of subscriptions according to the term and payment method, in compliance with Federal Law No. 13,455/2017.

4.5. Any promotions and offers will be valid for a determined period and will not be binding for Users who do not adhere to them.

4.6. "FORECASTING STOCKS" does not sell shares and/or financial assets, nor does it carry out financial transactions. Any investments made by the User and/or subscriber are the sole and entire responsibility of the User and/or subscriber.

4.7. When contracting a subscription plan and/or a course, invoices will be issued according to the frequency of the contract.

4.8. You may address any queries regarding purchases made through the subscriber relationship center.

4.9. "FORECASTING STOCKS" does not provide nor will provide any type of consultancy and/or advisory service to the subscriber. Questions and queries relevant to the information provided will be addressed within publications, broadcasts, and/or videos.

4.10. Automatic Renewal. When you purchase our subscriptions, you may be subject to automatic renewal rules. That is, at the end of the term of the contracted product and, unless otherwise stated, it may be automatically renewed for the same period.

4.11. "FORECASTING STOCKS" will make available in its mobile application, when available, the purchase of monthly fees. Therefore, purchases made in app stores are those made through the "FORECASTING STOCKS" apps, to be made available on mobile devices via the Apple Store and/or Google Play.

4.12. You acknowledge that a purchase made within an App Store is made by the respective store, and not with "FORECASTING STOCKS," so that you are aware that (i) a purchase in an App Store is subject to the terms and conditions specified by the respective App Store; (ii) purchases within App Stores are securely processed through the payment gateway used by the App Store provider; and (iii) the User must contact the App Store provider directly to resolve any issues related to payment and/or cancellation of Subscription Plans made through this means.

4.13. Payment via installment invoice. You acknowledge that if you choose payment via installment invoice, in case of default, you will be subject to having your name and CPF registered in credit protection agencies (SERASA/SPC) until payment is regularized and in accordance with applicable legislation.

4.14. You are aware that if you acquire paid Content from "FORECASTING STOCKS," your data may be shared with suppliers responsible for the available payment methods.

5. Sending SMS, WhatsApp, and Telegram

5.1. In the Subscription Agreement and the specifications of the subscription plans, "FORECASTING STOCKS" may optionally send alerts, publications, and/or notifications for commercial, informational, and/or institutional purposes to Users via SMS, WhatsApp, and/or Telegram.

5.2. Although "FORECASTING STOCKS" makes its best efforts to ensure the receipt of alerts, publications, and notifications, due to the involvement with telephony systems, it cannot guarantee that the messages will actually be received by the User. For these reasons, you agree to exempt "FORECASTING STOCKS" from any responsibility for system failures and/or for the non-receipt of any sent messages.

5.3. "FORECASTING STOCKS" will use the contact information provided by you at the time of registration and will not be responsible for verifying the truthfulness and/or validity of such information. You should keep your registered information permanently valid and up-to-date.

6. Privacy Policy

6.1. 6.1. These Terms of Use should be interpreted in conjunction with our Privacy Policy (, and with the Privacy Policy of Wix, provider and owner of the physical and logical infrastructure where the Forecasting Stocks portal is hosted,, which includes all information related to the collection, storage, and processing of personal data resulting from the use of the Site and/or Contents, under the terms of the Brazilian General Data Protection Law (Law No. 13.709/2018), among other applicable legislation.

6.2. Creating an account into the app constitutes full agreement with the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of Forecasting Stocks.

6.3. In case of questions and/or requests about your personal data, contact FORECASTING STOCKS through the following communication channels: and +55 61 9807-1062.

7. Limitations of Liability


(i) Unavailability, errors, or failures presented by the Site and/or Content, including those resulting from third-party APIs, or any utility fraud that the User may attribute to the Site and/or Content;

(ii) Unavailability of use in other locations within and outside Brazil;

(iii) Unavailability, errors, or failures arising from force majeure events or hacker attacks or third parties beyond the control of "FORECASTING STOCKS";

(iv) Errors or possible inconsistencies in data transmission, the quality or availability of the Internet connection;

(v) False or untruthful statements, outdated, incomplete, or untruthful data possibly provided and updated by the User;

(vi) The presence of viruses or other harmful elements capable of causing changes in their computer systems;

(vii) Any third-party links available on the Site and/or Content;

(viii) Any transaction or operation made between the User and third parties in the financial market or any financial decisions made based on or from content available on the Site;

(ix) Any emerging damages and/or lost profits, moral or material, related to the use of the Site;

(x) Any losses, damages, or harm caused by the User or third parties.

7.2. The Site may contain third-party links or may be accessed through links on third-party websites on the Web. These third parties are independent providers and are not representatives of "FORECASTING STOCKS". By accessing these sites/links, you acknowledge that "FORECASTING STOCKS" is not responsible for providing these links and sites, and that "FORECASTING STOCKS" has no control and/or responsibility over the content made available on them.


8. Termination of the Terms of Use

8.1. These Terms will remain in full force and effect for as long as you use the Site and/or Contents of "FORECASTING STOCKS". "FORECASTING STOCKS" reserves the right to interrupt or suspend the Site at any time, without the obligation to notify or indemnify you in any way.

8.2. "FORECASTING STOCKS" may, at its sole discretion, suspend or cancel the User's access to the Site and/or Contents, including but not limited to the following cases:

(i) For violation and/or non-compliance with these Terms;

(ii) Due to a court order and/or legal request from a state authority;

(iii) At the User's own request;

(iv) Due to force majeure, or for security reasons;

(v) For any fraudulent or illegal activity on the part of the User, at the discretion of FORECASTING STOCKS and as provided in these Terms and current legislation;

(vi) For improper use of the Site, at the discretion of "FORECASTING STOCKS" and as provided in these Terms;

(vii) For non-payment, by the User, of any of their obligations, including payments for the Contents purchased, when applicable.

8.3. The User may cancel their registration/account with the "FORECASTING STOCKS" Site and cease using the available Contents.

8.4. The cancellation of the recurring monthly subscription will still maintain the operation of the application and all its functionalities until the end of the contracted period.

8.5. The consumer may withdraw from the contract within 7 days from its subscription and payment, as provided in the Consumer Defense Code (CDC) of Brazil. In this case, the consumer must cancel the subscription supply through the application itself and also inform the withdrawal via email or via WhatsApp, providing the name, email used on the platform, and date of purchase.

8.6. The User may request the deletion of personal data linked to their registration/account, in the cases provided for in our Privacy Policy ( and in the Privacy Policy of Wix (

9. Communication Channels of "FORECASTING STOCKS"

9.1. In case of any questions, please contact FORECASTING STOCKS through the communication channels below:

FORECASTING STOCKS E-mail: and/or Phone: +55 61 9807-1062

10. General Provisions

10.1. These Terms may be changed at any time, and the new version of this document will take effect the day after it is published on the Site. The User will only be notified of the change in Terms if there is a legal obligation to do so.


10.3. "FORECASTING STOCKS" reserves the right to change the specifications and/or features of the Site and/or Contents for improvement and/or correction of any errors.

10.4. The User is prohibited from assigning or transferring the obligations and rights of this Term, wholly or partially, to third parties. The User acknowledges that there is no partnership, representation, or employment relationship between the User and "FORECASTING STOCKS" due to the use of the Contents provided.

10.5. The User agrees to the possible assignment or transfer of the obligations and rights set forth in these Terms by FORECASTING STOCKS to other companies, including: (i) subsidiaries, affiliates and/or companies that are part of the corporate group of "FORECASTING STOCKS"; (ii) acquirers of shareholdings, business or assets of "FORECASTING STOCKS"; or (iii) to a successor due to any corporate operation of "FORECASTING STOCKS".

10.6. By accepting these Terms of Use, the User agrees to all its provisions, committing to respect them and not to act contrary to them, for themselves and their successors, under any title.

10.7. In the event that any clause, term, or provision of this instrument is declared null, such nullity will not affect any other clauses, terms, or provisions herein, which shall remain in full force and effect. Tolerance by "FORECASTING STOCKS" regarding any violation of this instrument or its omission in the exercise of any right granted by the same shall not be considered as renewal or waiver in relation to any future violation, whether similar or not, or the exercise by FORECASTING STOCKS of any future right conferred by this instrument.

10.8. Acts of God or force majeure will exempt the parties from responsibilities, in accordance with Brazilian Law.

11. Jurisdiction and Applicable Legislation

11.1. "FORECASTING STOCKS" will make its best efforts to ensure that any disputes with Users are resolved extrajudicially through peaceful and consensual means. Thus, we are always available to hear you, as necessary, and find the best way to address your request and/or complaint through our contacts provided in these Terms and on our Site.

11.2. If an amicable resolution is not possible, we inform you that these Terms will be governed, interpreted, and executed in accordance with the Laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil, and the jurisdiction of the Court of Brasília/DF will be competent to settle any claims arising from this document.

Updated on December 20, 2023.

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